About me
9. January 2023 2023-05-17 10:18About me
About me
Mgr. Elena Herková
Your lighthouse in the sea of foreign languages
As professional interpreter and translator, I have been in the language services market since 1998.
If you need a sworn or a standard translation, I will prepare a written document for you. If you are looking for an interpreter, I will cover your needs in the area of oral communication in a foreign language.
During my more than 20-year professional career, I have translated thousands of pages of documents in a wide range of fields – law, economy, defence industry, accounting, automotive, energy, agriculture, medicine, architecture, art or psychology. And I have spent almost 1,000 days interpreting.
I have gained experience working with the biggest government bodies of the Slovak Republic, international corporations as well as institutions. The department for interpretation of the European Commission, the Council of the European Union as well the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg all rely on my language competence.
My most exotic work experiences include interpreting in an armoured personnel carrier at a military exercise, showjumping with service dogs at a competition or an incredibly lively and emotional audience at a museum for the deaf.
I take pride in a very precise and thorough preparation.
Before being delivered to the client, all my translations are thoroughly proofread.
I treat all information that I learn during translation or interpreting as absolutely confidential.
I provide my services, both translation and interpreting, myself. I prefer personal contact with my clients. A thorough consultation of the client’s needs is an essential part of my work. It guarantees that my services always live to my client’s expectations.
I find translation and interpreting absolutely fascinating – often adventurous, sometimes similar to the work of a detective when deciphering abbreviations, signs, extratextual links and looking for a suitable equivalent for the relevant word combination.
An overview
of some of the milestones of my professional career
Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic as a sworn translator for German and Slovak.
Registered on the list of interpreters of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union in Brussels.
Master’s degree in interpreting and translation, German and Russian, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava.
Zapísaná Ministerstvom spravodlivosti SR ako úradná prekladateľka pre nemecký a slovenský jazyk.
Zapísaná na zoznam tlmočníkov Európskeho parlamentu, Európskej komisie a Rady ministrov EÚ v Bruseli.
Magisterské štúdium tlmočníctva a prekladateľstva, nemecký a ruský jazyk, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava.
Študentská 41
917 01 Trnava
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